Enhancing Schmitt Island offerings will benefit the community and its visitors.
This new 501(c)(3) organization is committed to undertake or assist in the management, development and sponsorship of assets, projects and activities directed to the general betterment of Schmitt Island and the implementation of the Chaplain Schmitt Island Master Plan adopted by the City Council of Dubuque, including acts directed to lessen the burden of area government.
The ultimate vision is a connected island that welcomes guests to experience its local recreation, entertainment and outdoors, and the organization looks forward to working closely with the city and members of the community to help make this happen.
Help facilitate the redevelopment of Schmitt Island
Manage city assets on Schmitt Island
Facilitate charitable contributions for implementation of Schmitt Island Master Plan.
Local Dubuque leaders bringing a diverse set of skills and connections with the goal to make Schmitt Island the gateway to entertainment and the Mississippi.
Sara Hanten
Travel Dubuque, Vice President of Operations
Jason White
Vice President
Greater Dubuque Development Corporation, Vice President of Business Services
Denise Udelhofen
Loras College, Director of Athletics
Kathy Buhr
Q Casino + Resort, Vice President of HR & Continuous Improvement
The ultimate vision is a connected island that welcomes guests to experience its local recreation, entertainment and outdoors, and the organization looks forward to working closely with the city and members of the community to help make this happen.
Brian Kuhle
Board Member
Dubuque Community School District, Chief Human Resources Officer
Marie Ware
Board Member
City of Dubuque, Leisure Services Manager
Justine Paradisos
Board Member
Dubuque Area Chamber of Commerce, Vice President of Events & Programs
Cayla Schneider
Board Member
Crescent Community Health Center, Mission Advancement & Community Relations Director
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